Nanoflowers & nanomedicine

IRM et nanoparticules magnétiques

Nanomedicine research is experiencing significant growth, particularly in the use of nanoparticles for biomedical applications. Recently, a team of chemists from CNRS made a major breakthrough by exploring nanoparticles in the form of nanoflowers.

They demonstrated the potential of iron oxide nanoparticles shaped as nanoflowers (SPIO – Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles) for magnetic hyperthermia, an innovative cancer treatment technique. This therapy involves introducing nanoparticles into the cancerous area and heating them locally using a magnetic field, which leads to the destruction of diseased cells. Among these structures, nanoflowers, which have a unique geometry, exhibited optimal magnetic performance.

SON, a company specializing in the production of advanced nanomaterials, is fully committed to this innovation by developing both gold nanoflowers and SPIO. But what exactly are these two types of nanoparticles, and how can they contribute to the fight against cancer?

SPIO: Multifunctional Nanoparticles

Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIO) have been widely studied for their potential in medical imaging and therapy. Their ability to respond to external magnetic fields without retaining residual magnetization makes them effective contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Additionally, their behavior in a magnetic field makes them ideal for magnetic hyperthermia.

In this therapy, SPIO can be directly injected into the tumor. Once exposed to an alternating magnetic field, they locally heat up, damaging cancer cells through hyperthermia while sparing surrounding healthy tissues. At SON, the production of these nanoparticles is conducted with strict control over their size and structure, which are key parameters for optimizing their therapeutic effectiveness. The goal is to maximize the specific absorption rate (SAR), a critical measure of heating efficiency under a magnetic field.

In cases where direct injection into the tumor is not possible, SON’s functionalized nanoparticles come into play. These nanoparticles allow SPIO to be coupled with targeting agents (acting like a GPS to direct the nanoparticles toward affected cells for internal destruction) and therapeutic agents.

Gold nanoflowers: a specific design for early detection

SON has already established strong expertise in the synthesis of specific nanomaterials. The company notably produces gold nanoflowers, complex structures named after their flower-like shape. In cancer treatment research, gold nanoflowers are being explored as agents for photothermal therapy. By absorbing infrared light, they generate heat, destroying nearby tumor cells. In detection and early diagnosis, gold nanoflowers are of interest due to the strength of the signal they produce compared to a simple sphere (up to 160 times stronger).

What did the CNRS and University of Bordeaux team discover?

Iron oxide nanoparticles are being studied for their potential in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and magnetic hyperthermia, a therapy that uses alternating magnetic fields to heat these nanoparticles and destroy cancer cells. A team of researchers from CNRS and the University of Bordeaux synthesized nanoparticles ranging from 10 to 30 nm and studied their size, structure, and magnetic properties. They found that nanoparticles of 22 nm and nanoflower structures with multiple cores maximize magnetic hyperthermia efficiency. This research, published in *ChemPhysChem*, could lead to large-scale production of optimized nanoparticles for personalized cancer treatments.

A big congratulations to the researchers involved for their work, which will undoubtedly help medicine make great strides.

Bejko, M., Al Yaman, Y., Bagur, A., Keyes, A. C., Rosa, P., Gayot, M., Weill, F., Mornet, S., Sandre, O. (2024). Structure-function relationship of iron oxide nanoflowers: Optimal sizes for magnetic hyperthermia depending on alternating magnetic field conditions. *ChemPhysChem*,